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A navigation component, used as an overview and entry point to access more detailed information on a topic.


There are two types:

Card lists stack vertically to show a clear hierarchy or order. They are typically used when people are searching for specific items in a list or when there are lots of list items - example search results.

Example: card list

Card grids appear side by side using the grid system. They typically support people browsing for information or when there are fewer items to display - example NICE and BNF homepage.

Example: card grid

Card title 2

Nulla risus erat, maximus id semper ut, vulputate non nisl. Pellentesque sed luctus enim.

When to use

Use cards to allow users to quickly view different content options and select the content most relevant to their interests.

Cards are intended as an outline used to entice users to click through to further information contained on a separate page.

Card lists

Card lists are a flexible component for displaying an item within a list. They're used for items like guidance, news and search results to give an easily scannable list. Results lists stack underneath each other to make the ordering/hierarchy of items more obvious.

Example: card list

Card grids

Card grids are used for displaying options side by side in rows of a grid. They support browsing rather than searching.

The callout variant has a white container which helps to group several different (but related) pieces of information into one unit.

Example: card grid

Card title 2

Nulla risus erat, maximus id semper ut, vulputate non nisl. Pellentesque sed luctus enim.

Card lists vs card grids

Card lists are best for:

  • Items with a clear hierarchy.
  • When users are searching for a specific item or piece of content from a list.
  • When you have lots of items (lists take up less room than card grids).

Card grids are best for:

  • Browsing not searching - the hierarchy for card grids is less obvious than in lists.
  • Grouping several related pieces of info together - the card callout container/background helps to group the info together.
  • Organising groups of content that are different sizes - the callout variant of the card grid has a container/background that helps to group the content and keep things neat.

How to use

Cards will always contain a heading alongside some combination of paragraph text, an image, metadata and links. A card can contain several different elements, but they all should be about a single subject. A card should only contain one link.

Card lists

Cards are usually used within an unstyled, unordered list (ul.list--unstyled).

They will always have a heading. They can have a combination of other elements alongside the heading. See the card options for details of other elements to use.

Guidance list example

Use a card list for displaying things like guidance, advice, quality standards and shared learning in a list:

  • show the id of published guidance in brackets after the title
  • use the correct level of heading to maintain a correct document heading structure
  • use tags in metadata to highlight important content
  • show relevant dates with the correct label
  • use a time tag with the correct datetime attribute to display dates.

Example: guidance list

Card grid

Use the grid system to layout cards next to each other. Card grids are used for browsing through content options on things like homepages and section landing pages.

Cards in the card grid will fill the width of their grid span.

They will always have a heading. They can have a combination of other elements alongside the heading. See the card options for details of other elements to use.

Callout card

A callout card adds a white container to the card grid component. Use this for content than needs extra emphasis or content where an additional container will help to group the content inside the card.

Example: callout card

Card title 1

Card text 1

<Card headingText="Card title 1" callout>
Card text 1

Equal height

Callout cards will take the height of the tallest card in a row - this helps to align the cards and keep the row ordered.

Clickable card

The click area for card grids wraps the entire card. This creates a larger click area that's easier for users to recognise and click.

We avoid wrapping an entire card in an anchor tag as this can be a difficult experience for screen reader users.

Example: clickable card


<Card headingText="Card title 1" link={{ destination: "/test" }}>
Card text 1

Card headings

Cards will always have a heading.

Keep headings succinct and make it clear what the user will find on the page that the card links to.

Headings can be linked:

Example: linked heading

or not linked:

Example: plain heading

Card title 1

Card text 1

Card options

Alongside headings, cards can have a combination of the following:

Paragraph text

If you need to include supporting information in the card, you can use a paragraph.

The paragraph sits below the heading for both card lists and card grids.


<Card headingText="Card title 1">
Card text 1

Card images

The image must relate to the content. It must have an alt tag that describes the image content.

Images appear to the side by default:

Example: card list with images
  • Card title 1

    Card text 1
  • Card title 1

    Card text 1

Images in callout cards appear on top and the image will always be clipped at 16:9 ratio:

Example: callout card grid with images

Card title 2

Nulla risus erat, maximus id semper ut, vulputate non nisl. Pellentesque sed luctus enim.


Metadata is used for adding secondary information such as categories or labels to the content. For example a guidance type or published date.

Example: card with metadata

Card with metadata


headingText="Card with metadata"
metadata={[{ label: "label", value: "value" }, { value: "Another value" }]}


Make sure images used in the card component have appropriate alt text to describe the image.

Text contrast - Text has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for small text and at least 3:1 for large text (WCAG 2.0 )1.4.3).


Card lists were tested as part of research on how people use search on the website. There we no observed issues with the component when searching.

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